Week 23 Karen Krill

Change of pace this week. I have been wondering what to write about then it hit me that I’ve read so many impacting/helpful things in post and  comments that  posts and that I could share them in the hope that they will benefit you as much as they have me. It’s impossible, however, to hit all of the great ones; fortunately I’ve taken noted and copied quite a few.

1.  Probably the most impactful thing I heard was someone’s comment in one of the first Q&A. He talked about how people have addictions and I realized that I had an addiction to the drama surrounding health. How many of us have an addiction and don’t realize it? This  was an eye opener for me and got me on the right path.  Without it I’m not sure where I would be now. it has been the foundation of my change.Thank goodness for Mastermind.

2. When I as having trouble with symptoms that were hitting me in the face, Sue Bryant told me to think of other thing (which I knew), but somehow the energy of that comment had an instant effect. I still remember the picture that  the comment triggered.

3. Last Sunday, Davene talked about baggage, but it took Karen Secor’s post for it to sink in. Just let go of the nasty stuff – put it in a bag and shove it overboard. This morning during my sit, I had a vision of a purple vortex with stuff being sucked into it.  It came up and started over again. When it came up the next time it became flowing liquid which turned into the ocean. There was  a beautiful sunny scene with the waves coming in Then the scene change to the ocean with a sunset (sunset are powerful to me). I’ve used the floating away technique before with some success. This is a much clearer and productive picture. I heard “let it go”. Profound. I love these visions.

4.  I thank John Laudenslager for his affirmation for me ….”that God will provide (me) with the mental capacity, vibrations and desire of the truth. That the true health (I) desire and is rightfully (mine) is here.” John has been a wonderful support  through this process and I cherish his friendship

5.  In week 22A, Mary Beth Johnson talked about her dream to have a Healing Garden if she had the money; it sounds wonderful. She also talked about a program that can help people, especially children to overcome learning disabilities and improve mental abilities. This caused me to reflect on what I really want to do — get back to doing energy work and helping children sounds good.. She suggested we look at PyramindOfPotentials. com. It will be interesting  how this fits in.

6.  Also in week 22a,  Walter Sokil wrote about being yourself. I related to the thought of nonconformity  “Conformity explains nothing and adds less. By simply being the status quo we create nothing, we do nothing, in reality we are nothing. How’s that for slap in the face?” “Do not chase people, work hard and be you. The right people who belong in you life will come and find you and stay. Do your thing.” This added fuel to my fire to continue to be “unique (I like that better than different). Glad I’ve found a group where I fit in.

7.  Paul Straw talked about personalities. The inspiring thought was “I’m settling on excellence. Anything else is not enough.” That goes on a card.

8.  Author not remembered. “Your are a piece of the puzzle of someone’s  life. You may never know where you fit, but others will fill in the holes in their lives with pieces of you”. If anyone knows who wrote this, please let me know.

9.  Linda Wilhite painted a beautiful inspiring picture with “The person I intend to be is still transforming . I am forming my butterfly wings and soon will be flying.” Linda deserves lots of kudos for finishing the Master Keys despite all of crisis in her family. I’m glad you’re here for me to follow.

There are so many more wonderful post that have helped me and I am grateful  Hope you find some inspiration in these.

May we all live this day with love, joy and peace in our hearts.

8 thoughts on “Week 23 Karen Krill

  1. Thanks for sharing these great pieces of advice from our family, you can’t make it without a master mind. I look forward to being of service and I know you are as well, let’s continue to grow.

  2. Thanks you for your sharing as you are a success & a miracle ! Going through addiction isn t easy ; I ve gone through it myself but like you we ‘ve got today , its a day well never get the chance to live in again so I too live it like it ll be my last !

  3. Wonderful blog, Karen. I love reading about the visions you’ve had … this one being a “purple vortex with stuff being sucked into it.” and your ocean and the “floating away technique.” … followed by you hearing “let it go” … WOW! Powerful stuff! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Thanks, Karen. It was really fun and enlightening. Are you in Central Time zone. John L is in Eastern and I’m in Mountain. What is your friend? Does he want to join us? let’s keep in close touch through these next few weeks.

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